
The stories of patients who have found a cure for Covid-19 with the Elmo helmet

“I was positive for Covid-19 by doing good. And it’s not because you do good stuffs that you won’t be positive. Even taking all the measures, I had Covid-19. What saved me from not being intubated, from all situations that got worse than I already was, it was the use of the Elmo helmet. This helmet needs to arrive all over Brazil to give people the opportunity to recover. Saving lives is what matters most and we need to do that right now.” Julio Cals, national president of the Brazilian Red Cross.

“Dedicate all the effort of your prayers and faith so that you don’t have to be hospitalized. But if you have to, make sure you arrive conscious in the ICU. The first thing you should do, before anything else, is ask them to install “Elmo” on you. I used the “Elmo” somewhere between 14 and 18 hours a day, as I knew it was necessary and the equipment became “friendly” to me. The demands of ICUs are very large. I heard at one point that the professional on duty was attending seven ICUs with patients with “helm” and one intubated. Dear friends, do everything you can, EVERYTHING, so you don’t get infected. If you’re lucky enough to make it out alive, it’s still very painful. DO NOT GET INFECTED! Nilo Sérgio Viana Bezerra, 72, recovered from complications from Covid-19 in a private hospital.

“I was already in the ICU when the light came on that I was using the Elmo helmet. It took five days of treatment and I always evolved. I really want other patients to have the opportunity I had: to wear the Elmo helmet. Elmo made it possible for me to return to my family. I hope he can return others to their families and continue their stories. The helmet saves lives!”, Fábio Santiago, tenth patient to use the Elmo helmet in Ceará. He received treatment at Leonardo da Vinci State Hospital.

“Elmo has greatly improved my situation and given me comfort. My feeling is of victory for having gone through this one and now I’m enjoying life as much as I can”, Henrique Monteiro Sousa, 49, the first patient at São José Hospital (HSJ), from the public network of the Government of Ceará to use the Elmo helmet.

“I don’t know how, but the virus got to me. I spent five days stabilized, neither got better nor improved. When suddenly the Elmo helmet team arrived. I call it the helmet of my salvation. With two days I was already recovered. I am very grateful to the helmet and the team that took care of me”, Maria Irismar Morais, 70, the first patient who recovered from respiratory failure after treatment with Elmo. She resides in Jaguaribe and spent 13 days hospitalized for Covid-19 at Leonardo da Vinci State Hospital. She received the treatment in the clinical trial phase.

“What I feared most was being intubated, sedated and losing my autonomy. Elmo was placed at a time when I evolved to no longer have a chance. Elmo was decisive in my respiratory failure. I call it lifesaver helmet! I was blessed to be able to use it. I really became an unconditional fan of this Elmo”, Weiber Xavier, 51, the first doctor in Ceará to receive treatment with the Elmo helmet.